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coffee-fellowshipMany people would ask why WordPress is the best content management platform for a blog/site. But there is no need to ask that question because in reality, WordPress is the best content management software for all niche. Back to our topic, why would you choose WordPress? It is because free, flexible, dynamic, many themes to choose from and so on. There’s a lot more to say about WordPress but we should direct it to the point. WordPress in two words is free and powerful. It is free as freedom, and it is powerful with different features you can choose from. Features which is very useful for your site and will suffice your needs.

Before we begin let us look to its elements. You should know how it looks like in terms of typography and its site elements. The right thing to do is to consider its headings, text alignment, blockquote, tabular design and so on. And by the way, this is a paragraph that is in right order, meaning it is positioned right. Next thing that you should see is its headings.

Headings should be nicely be designed which users can see that it is appropriate to its paragraph and will not look messy. In the example below you should see this theme’s heading from H1 to H6 as well as its preformatted styling. And by the way, this paragraph is aligned center as you can see to it.

Heading 1: h1 tag

Heading 2: h2 tag

Heading 3: h3 tag

Heading 4: h4 tag

Heading 5: h5 tag
Heading 6: h6 tag
.post-title {
	margin: 0 0 5px;
	font-weight: bold;
	font-size: 38px;
	line-height: 1.2;
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Image Right, Plus Table

Blueberry Harvesting

Image are meant to be attractive to the visitors because it gives visitors an idea about the article content of your blog or page. It should be on its proper alignments and not to destruct the contents of the paragraph so that it is on its standard. The following images are styling based on its alignment for the contents of the paragraph. It should look well as you can see below. Other images also has its label or description to find a brief information about it. You should see that the image is aligned on the right. Its says that it is all about blueberry harvesting which is one of the healthiest fruit you could eat. Why? It is because blueberries helps lower the total amount of cholesterol in the blood and decrease the risk of heart disease. Eat blueberries, and stay healthy.

Blockquote: Left, Right and Center, plus Unordered Lists

To think right means to speak right and to do right.—Probewise

This should create as much quote as you want. This shows the theme’s quote with different position, left, right and center. Why should you watch out for its elements? This is the question you should as also because it gives you an introduction to themes typography which you can use for editing or adding its content with detailed information. Like what I have said, it should be designed well. As you can see to its blockquote it is aligned right and it is nicely stacked to the right position of this page. The next thing you should see is its right positioning which is on its next paragraph.

Beauty is achieved if you find it simple.—Probewise

Now why this theme is simple but elegant enough to attract your customers or visitors through this site? The answer is based on what you see. Your eyes see things that is beautiful if it pleases you. Does this theme pleases you? If there’s too much design, it makes a site looks messy and it will not give your visitors a reason to visit your site. That is why this theme is simple and is pleasing to the majority of site visitors  or customers. And by the way to make your alignments, please add this to your <blockquote> tag as shown below.

  • <blockquote class=”alignleft”> for left positioning
  • <blockquote class=”alignright”> for right positioning
  • <blockquote class=”aligncenter”> for center positioning

Lastly, you can see the center positioning of blockquote for this theme which shows that everything is manipulated through powerful features. It means that everything in WordPress can be manipulated in terms of design, by its great features. Now let us look for the blockquote with center positioning shown below. It says, “Everything is manipulated through powerful features.

Everything is manipulated through powerful features.—Probewise

Now that you have decided to choose WordPress, what’s next? The next thing is how can you choose the right WordPress themes for your site. Choosing the right WordPress theme could be easier if you follow the guidelines below. These are just guidelines, but it will help you a lot in choosing the right theme.

How to Choose the Right WordPress Theme? Lists, Ordered

  1. Know if it has a clean code and error-free WordPress theme. If you are going to choose the right WordPress theme, check if it is W3C validated and if it passes from WordPress Theme Check plugin.
  2. Determine its speed. Does it loads faster than the other themes? Speed matters. It must not have too much plugins which bloats your site. It must  be lightweight. It is preferred not to use page builder or other features which you do not need
  3. Consider its design. One of the greatest factor is the design. Choosing the right WordPress theme should be beautifully elegant to suffice your needs. With a good design, it raise the number of visitors for your site.
  4. It must have a customization settings. One thing site owners want is to customize their site by their own in terms of colors and fonts. If it is not having a customization settings, sites won’t have a distinction with the other sites.
  5. It must be updated. Themes are meant to be updated. WordPress, PHP and JavaScript standard or functions changes. The theme must be compatible to the latest version of WordPress, PHP and other programming languange concerning it.

Conclusion, Justified

Why would you choose this theme? There’s no such thing as too much beautiful. Simple means beautiful. With its fast speed, solid code and elegant design standard, there is no reason why you should not opt to choose this theme. It is the wisest choice for your website, because it gives you a freedom to customize and an assurance that it provides the latest design and code standard up-to-date. If you are interested to purchase this theme, buy it today and unleash its features which is undeniably the best for your needs. If you find this theme the right choice for your, purchase this theme.

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